Showing: 11 - 20 of 21 RESULTS
Kitchen Secrets

What is Kimchi?

A pretty sizable portion of my favorite things are fermented. Sauerkraut on a Hebrew National hot dog, soul-warming miso soup, and that ice cold beer at the end of a long day are all things made possible by that holiest of metabolic processes. And in my mind, there’s no other food that deserves the fermented …

Kitchen Secrets

Can You Eat Garlic That Has Sprouted?

Garlic is the foundation of so many delicious dishes. It’s the primary ingredient in our ultimate garlic knots, adds a savory base to hearty bowls of pasta, and even takes on a delicate sweetness when roasted whole. It’s a culinary workhorse and a staple in Team Delish’s kitchen. If you cook with garlic as much as we do, you’ve likely …

Kitchen Secrets

Is It Safe To Eat Watermelon Seeds?

Anybody who’s eaten watermelon has likely heard the same warning: that if you eat a watermelon seed, it’ll grow in your stomach. Part of growing up is putting that myth to bed, but still, many shoppers still prefer to buy seedless watermelon anyway. Watermelon seeds are maligned for their unpleasant texture and disrupting the enjoyment of the watermelon-eating experience. But some …

Kitchen Secrets

Are Cherry Pits Actually Toxic?

We love celebrating summer with backyard barbecues and refreshing cocktails, but the real star of the season is produce. It’s the best time of the year to enjoy fruits like watermelon, strawberries, peaches, and cherries. But beyond worrying about finding the ripest and sweetest fruit, there’s a precaution that’s much more serious: cherry pits. The stones in the center of …

Kitchen Secrets

Is Rare Steak Safe To Eat?

Whenever you’re at a steakhouse or any other restaurant that serves beef, you’ll most likely encounter the same disclaimer. Tucked away near the bottom of the menu, a message in fine print alerts us that “consuming raw or undercooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of foodborne illness.” State health departments require this disclosure to …

Kitchen Secrets

Are Raw Oysters Safe To Eat?

One of our favorite ways to celebrate happy hour is with a tray of oysters on the half shell. Oysters are the star of every seafood tower, especially when you top it with a squeeze of lemon and a dash of Tabasco. But they can make many people feel squeamish—understandably so. Beyond their slimy texture and briny flavor, some skeptics …

Kitchen Secrets

Can You Eat Sprouted Potatoes?

Potatoes are one of the hardiest vegetables you can keep in your kitchen. They’re resilient, affordable, and when stored properly, they can last for several months. So buying them in bulk and having them on hand whenever you’re in the mood for some spuds is a no-brainer. That is until you reach into your pantry to find your potatoes …

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